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Teen Skin Clinic

A skin analysis system designed to provide an in-depth understanding of your skin, with treatments tailored for the specific needs of young adult skin.

About The Treatment

Around 80% of teenagers will experience some form of acne during their adolescent years and, despite its frequency, the condition has a significant effect on confidence and self-esteem.

Teenage acne often appears on the face, chest and back, making it difficult to conceal. Over-the-counter solutions are often not effective for sever breakouts or stubborn skin - we need to target the cause of what's creating your spots to treat the condition quickly and effectively.

Our Teen Skin Clinic offers treatment tailored to benefit the specific needs of young adult skin. Utilising professional medical-grade products that are formulated to combat problem areas without aggravating already troubled skin.

Acne - sebum is created to protect the skin but when the body produces too much, dead skin cells mix with the follicle and block the pore. Bacteria is trapped within the follicle, causing the cysts and bumps we associate with acne.

Self-EsteemDuring puberty, a sudden increase in oil production makes skin oily, spot prone and congested.

The appearance of acne can lead to a lack of self-confidence that has a serious effect on self-esteem.


  • Pigmentation

  • Sun damage

  • Rosacea

  • Collagen loss

  • Dehydrated and dry skin

  • Comedones (blackheads) and milia

  • Clogged pores

  • Oily, congested skin

  • Acne

  • Sensitive skin

We Can Help!

Our nurse practitioners will carry out a full skin assessment and skin scan, provide a personal treatment plan to help get your skin under control, as well as regular follow up appointments to assess your progress, with advice on future maintenance.

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How Does It Work?

Many common skin conditions originate from the deeper layers of the skin, and are difficult to spot with the naked eye alone. The Observ exposes skin conditions by using a patented skin fluorescence and polarized light illumination technology. It offers a full-face skin diagnosis with 5 different modes.

The Observ Skin Scanner procedure takes approximately 20 minutes and is completely pain-free. Before this procedure begins, you will need to remove any makeup. One of our trained experts will then ask you to place your chin on a chin rest inside the scanner and close your eyes. Your results are available instantly.

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The Observ Skin Scanner is available to everyone. However, if you are sensitive to light or have epilepsy, we would recommend contacting your doctor before the consultation.

What Treatments Will Be Recommended?

At the end of your skin consultation, we will have a thoroughly inclusive plan for you covering a variety of the products and treatments we have available. This may include:

"Just had my 6 week skin analysis after starting my journey with the ZO products!

Couldn't recommend this place anymore! My results are amazing!"

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